My War Against Text Messaging
I am once again in blog writing mode this Sunday Evening as I relax in my couch, wearing my favorite shorts and t-shirt, breaking in my brand new Mac Power Book, hehe.... eating the best desert ever made to man...cheesecake lol
For those of you who recently joined my friend's list, you will soon find out that other than DJing, and putting events together, writing is also my passion. So if reading is yours, then enjoy! Otherwise you can delete me from your friend's list. It's okay... I won't take it personal.
Lately, I have declared a personal war against Texting. For all you people who cannot comprehend and think I am against texting, the word PERSONAL means that it's a battle I am fighting within myself. Not asking you to join in. I am simply sharing my experience and what I am doing about it, and perhaps you have experienced or thought the same. Please share it with everyone by commenting this bulletin below.
I believe SMS or as we calling TEXT messaging is a GREAT tool for communication. It's very useful in environments where otherwise we could not communicate with such ease. It was designed for use as it's name implies "Short Messaging" (SMS). This has been extremely useful for ME in my business - getting the word out to people about anything I am doing, communicating inside a noisy environment, sending a quick text to my staff, friends or family and many other things. For me, it has increased my overall productivity and my ability to get things done faster. In fact, I am not new to texting. 2-way pagers is how the entertainment industry has been communicating for YEARS. Way before texting even existed we all had Motorola pagers to network, email back and forth with colleagues. Then a Sidekick, then a Blackberries rule now... (I love mine!!)
After having said all this, I NOW believe that TEXTING has become the technological advancement that's on it's way to making us Anti-Social beings. More than often we no longer want to communicate via the way that Alexander Graham Bell intended us to... by picking up the damn phone! It's easier to send a text than to say hello. It avoids the formality our parents taught us, "hello, how are you, how’s everything?" I've gotten texts from people I haven’t spoken to all month with a direct question "u have the number to dominos pizza". If you text me, say hello first at least! Can you T9 ANTI-SOCIAL?
Everywhere I look, I find someone playing with their phone. Clubs, restaurants, bars, I even saw a guy having dinner with his girlfriend the other day texting back and forth on his blackberry! (Oh wait, that was me!
LOL). Lawmakers are now considering making a law that’s called TWD (Texting While Driving) - You can't be serious! But in reality, they can! I am guilty of this on many counts. Are you? Good. Keep reading.
The thing with texting is now what you say, but how you say it. Quite often words get misconstrued at the other end. A LOL goes a long way and punctuation can be intepreted as mad, sad or happy...! Be careful!
Anyone can say ANYTHING they want to anyone without calling them and getting their immediate reaction. To some, it's easy to get your point across in a conversation uninterrupted. Most people who are "non confrontational" LOVE text messaging. Why? Because it's a way to tell someone ANYTHING without actually telling them. You don't have to face them. However, it does create an awkward situation when you have to see a person whom you have been texting for a while. It's like "are you the same person who has been texting me". For some shy people, it helps them break the ice.
Ladies, ever met a guy at a club? give him your number, and then he texts you on the initial call? That’s a should raise a flag right that he will probably won't be good in just kidding. But this is a sign that this person might not be good at conflict resolution or overall communication. Think about it, they TEXT initially to make the first contact instead of calling? Pathetic! Ladies HOW many guys have you met in a club or anywhere else that has done this? Follow what I am saying now? Good... There is more shit I gotta say.
Arguments? Here is the personal favorite. As I said in the beginning of my blog, this happened from personal experience where I pretty much snapped and hit send, and expressed feelings that normally I would not have in person. Especially to a 6'1 Amazon-ish woman who can prob kick my ass! So I texted how I felt... and guess what happens next? as you know in the world of texting, once you hit send............
......yup! you guessed it... .you can't take it back LOL
This creates and provokes the person to also fire back messages that start coming 1 of 10 and shit - In reality this could have been a 10 minute conversation to address and fix your issue. However via SMS, it became a war of misspelled and abbreviated words. I was fighting 2 different wars, one with the person, and another against the 160 character limitation to which many times I lost.... (Sending 5 of 20) lol
What did I learn from all this? that I have enabled this type of behavior on my own and have dragged others in the process. So I am fixing it.
It's much easier for us to express ourselves via text without saying it in person. Written word is always a preferred method of getting your point across. Shit, I had a girlfriend once who left me via text. Ouch!
While sometimes it's useful to communicate true feelings, in the end it creates a bigger WALL, a wall that you cannot bring down without a cell phone nearby. I had another near text argument experience the other day with someone else, and I told her pick up the phone and call me. We resolved our difference in about 15 minutes and the world was a better place.
So this is my mission, those who have my cell and choose to accept it. You now have to call me if you have something long to say.
Please note that I will continue to use text messaging for business as usual, but when I want to express how I feel, OR if my point takes me more than one text to get it across, expect your phone to ring with my voice on the other end. Try this, and you too will see the difference.
Thanks for
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